Ready To Create the Organization of Your Dreams?

High Performance CEO is the World’s Premier System for Creating a Highly Profitable Company with an Extreme Ownership Culture.

You are here for a reason…you know your team has more potential and there is just SOMETHING missing, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.

Do you resonate with any of these…?

 You are spinning your wheels with your leadership and management teams.

You are exhausted spinning your wheels with leaders and managers that are just not measuring up to your expectations. You have tried some leadership training, but nothing seems to work. You believe you might need to upgrade your leadership team but you are not where to start or how to proceed. You leadership team is not functioning as a true team and you likely find them having differing priorities and just cant come together and unite for once and for all.
Your employees are just not showing up to what you know is their true potential.

Your employees are just not showing up and giving the effort that you know they could be giving in their jobs. They just aren’t showing that true caring about the business and you know there is so much more they could offer if they would. You have really good people on your team and you know they may mean well, but there is just something missing from their motivation to constantly improve themselves and their impact in their roles.
There is something missing from your culture; a lack of spark that is just not there. 

You may have implemented some of the more popular “business systems” that self proclaim to “build your culture” but there is still something missing from your teams overall engagement, motivation, fulfillment and overall passion. You can see it in your teams eyes. They seem happy, but most don’t have the passion to be here and you may even experience a bit of intracompany drama from time to time. You know it is effecting your bottom line and are unsure where to start or finish.
If you aren’t there to drive performance, complacency becomes the new norm.

If you aren’t there to drive the company performance, results and growth…nothing happens. The business is able to sustain maybe, but it is surely not breathing a life of growth and optimization of it’s own unless you are there personally yourself driving the team. The goals that you set with your team seem to get lost in a whirlwind of the day to day activities with your continuous oversight. You wish others would care about the future of the company like you do.

You are ready to create a culture where EVERY one of your employees thinks, feels and acts like an owner.

Can you imagine what your business (and life) would be like with that?
Loren Knight -Thermal King HVAC

How the High Performance CEO program

helped Loren go from being stuck to increasing over $4M… 

in less than a year.


When Loren first came to us, he had already established his company as a potential rising star in the Spokane marketplace. He had a good business that was providing him a relatively decent living.

His company was already very successful in it’s own right. He had a solid team that, from his standpoint, was performing fairly well, and compared to his Navy days of people doing the bare minimum to get by…were performing well.

But there was something missing. Something very fundamental and core to how we as humans operate. His team was not passionate. His team was not really committed to him and his mission and vision. He was experiencing a revolving door of employees and even though he himself was passionate, his employees were just not giving their all to the core mission and vision, and he couldn’t figure out why.


We dove into his business model and quickly uncovered fundamental bottlenecks to his team and company growth. His leadership team was not coming together as a team and he had gaps in his that posed critical challenges in executing company strategy. 

We upgraded his leadership team gaps and dramatically improved the teams functional capability to truly lead people and produce results.We then implemented a strategy and execution system that creates accountability and measures results at all levels of the organization.

We identified 3 areas where each team member was feeling disconnected and unattached to the company as a whole.  We transformed his culture through our employee retention and engagement program that focuses on improving the entire employee lifecycle experience.  He now literally has a waiting list of A players ready to come on board when he scales to that next level.


Not only did Loren add millions to his top line revenue in less than a year, his new leadership team was able to take the reins for the day to day business and drive continued operational improvements. This free’d up Lorens time so that he could focus on strategic growth, acquisitions and raising capital.

Retention rates are over 90% now and the culture is such that he has a waiting list of technicians who want to work for his company. 

With his managers trained on how to properly lead and manage, employee engagement has dramatically increased from less than 40% to over 75%. With the increase in employee ownership of their respective processes the company experienced over 5% increases in gross margin.

The employees are genuinely excited to come to work and are incentivized to get better every day. 

Our High Performance CEO Clients are not only changing their lives, but their employees lives too.

Loren K., Service Company CEO
His company was experiencing a revolving door of employees. He thought his problem was recruitment, in fact it was retention. We transformed his culture through our employee retention and engagement program that focuses on improving the entire employee lifecycle experience. He now literally has a waiting list of A players ready to come on board when he scales to that next level.
Reed M., Service Company CEO
Before working together, he had no clue what his true profit margins were and his team was even more so in the dark. We implemented our high performance ceo framework and for the first time ever he had real time visibility to his margins. Because his team was able to make up to 8x what they made in bonuses before, they were genuinely excited about making serious improvements.
Loren K., Digital Marketing CEO
Hiring a business coach was something I never thought of doing and was fine just slowly growing my business without much organization and direction, until I met patrick. Patrick has not only helped me organize and find direction, but grow my business in new ways I never thought about. Patrick has also showed me other secrets to streamline and scale making my job easier so I can focus on ceo work and not daily operational work
Phillip Y., Service Company CEO
Philip was literally working days, nights and at least one day a weekend, usually both. He was the only one in the company that truly cared about the results and it was taking a real toll on his life and relationship. We assembled a solid strategic plan and narrowed their focus to a stronger target market with a differentiating unique value proposition.

is the #1 business & culture transformation system for creating a highly profitable organization with an ownership culture.


High Performance CEO

Purpose – Core Identity System

Purpose is your Core Identity System that unifies all employees under a clear vision and operating principles so that employees are inspired to achieve greatness. In this step, we not only lay the foundation but we assess and benchmark the operation of your business from all aspects: leadership, culture, engagement, financial, operational and strategic positioning.  There is no stone left unturned as we utilize this information as the basis for our plan and implementation model. We also take a deep dive and assess the capabilities, strengths and structure of your leadership team and identify their ability to work together and create results. We then identify gaps and work to optimize collaboration and team performance.  We also utilize a proven selection process to dramatically increase the odds of hiring top performers.

Team – Leadership Development System

Team is your Leadership development system that transforms management into servant leaders and coaches that are adept at playing into the strengths of each team member and fostering the development of high performance teams.
In this segment we are working 1 on 1 (and group training as well) with you and your leadership team through 360 degree feedback surveys and a number of other leadership and management performance assessments to create a custom leadership improvement plan.

Your leadership team will discover how to master their own energy and then shift the energy of their teams to create passion and fulfillment throughout your company.

We boost productivity by matching strengths to job requirements.  We utilize diagnostics to pinpoint areas of job stress and solutions to help each person succeed.

 Strategy – Alignment & Prioritization System

Strategy is your Strategic Alignment and Prioritization System that creates a highly effective cross functional team focus on a few critical key initiatives so that company business goals can be achieved or exceeded.

We combine proven strategic tactics that allow your company to gain a competitive advantage along with an internal alignment and prioritization system that laser focuses your entire team on these key initiatives.

Our team has been trained directly from the top McKinsey & Co. firm consultants in developing a competitive strategy.  We implement proven tactics targeted directly at ability to increase competitive market share through: pricing, positioning, differentiation, volume, offerings, acquisitions and partnerships.

Execution – Accountability & Productivity System

Execution is your Accountability and Productivity System that creates a culture of ownership and continuous improvement so that efficiencies and profitability are continuously improved.

Our execution system creates a culture of ownership and continuous improvement so that efficiencies and profitability are continuously increasing.  It is also an operational system that creates direct “line of sight” to company performance for each one of your employees.

Everyone knows exactly how their actions contribute directly to the bottom line, and through our “Rapid Improvement Projects”, we implement a fun and interactive way to motivate and incentivize each team member to want to drive these improvements.

We design and implement an incentivization program along with a scoreboard that tracks operational and financial performance for everyone to see.  This creates healthy competition and rallies the team around progress of the common goal.

People – Retention & Recruitment System

People is your Retention and Recruitment System that implements best in class strategies to find, hire and retain A players and maximizes their engagement and productivity. Pay is very seldom the reason that an employee leaves, yet it is usually the only feedback received due to various reasons. Employees leave mainly because of one of the following: 1. their manager sucks, 2. no opportunity for advancement 3. No personal or career development.  These 3 are by far the main reasons why employees leave a company. Our program addresses each one of these by creating career pathways for every employee, a training plan for every employee to progress and a leadership and management development program in Team that creates world class managers. We also implement a best in class proven recruitment program that finds and hires the top performers in your industry.

Results – Profit Performance System

Results is your Profit Performance System that implements key financial and operational performance indicators to guide strategic and operational decisions & priorities. This system also provides a profit sharing matrix that motivates employees to drive margin improvement.

We implement a financial metric scoreboard that is updated by your team weekly.  Your team takes ownership of the financial success of the company as they have direct financial and operational line of sight to how they benefit when company goals are succeeded.

We then work together to implement profit optimization strategies so that you experience increased cash flows. These strategies range from methods to accelerate cash flow collection to improving the value chain efficiencies that drive gross margins.

Meet Our Founder & CEO

Patrick has developed a reputation as being the thought leader for business strategy and leadership development. 

Successful 7 & 8 figure CEOs come to me when they’re ready to scale their businesses further by creating a team of highly motivated and engaged individuals.

Patrick’s zone of genius is twofold – Strategy facilitation and development that truly differentiates you in the market place, along with how to align and inspire the team to follow through on that strategy. And lastly, raising the energy levels of everyone in the company, resulting in massive increases in joy, passion and fulfillment.  Starting with teaching the leaders of the company how to focus on the “Being” and not so much on the “Doing”.

He is not one of these theoretical guys, he also personally owns and buy companies as well as help clients double their revenues or more through  acquisitions services.   Once our clients go through my High Performance CEO program and have free’d up their time, we help rapid growth through acquisitions.


Getting the people part of the business down can be challenging.  You may have implemented some of the popular business operational centric systems out there, now it is time to learn & implement the PEOPLE centric systems and watch your results fly!

Let’s Do This!

We provide the strategy, mentorship and transformational process for you and your team!